Blog post with detailed information:
Sorry about the video quality -- I am not sure what was wrong with the camera -- however, the sound should still work normally.
The Trivy Operator:
The KubeCon talk from Alex and I: • How We Built a Cloud On K3s: The Lear...
The talk on operator security: • Tweezering Kubernetes Resources: Oper...
Using ArgoCD: • Full Tutorial GitOps & ArgoCD | Day 3...
Ivan's blog:
Alex' video on building an operator from scratch • Writing your own Operator from scratc...
00:00 -- Intro
00:39 -- Theory of how operators work
08:23 -- Operators for security scanning
10:12 -- An operator inside your K8s cluster
11:32 -- Operator security
12:45 -- How far can we take operators
14:34 -- How do you build operators
15:49 -- Outro