On February 15, 2024, GlobalSkin organized a webinar titled "GlobalSkin Advocacy Initiatives — Call to Action for 2024" for Members around the globe.
The purpose of the webinar was to inform attendees about two key advocacy priorities for GlobalSkin in 2024: the drive towards a WHO All Skin Resolution and support for a global awareness campaign led by the World Skin Health Coalition.
Special guests Dr. José-Antonio Ruiz-Postigo from the World Health Organization and Marc Yale, GlobalSkin Board President, provided valuable insights. Dr. Ruiz-Postigo explained the significance of a WHO Resolution for patient organizations and their communities, while Marc Yale outlined the goals of the World Skin Health Coalition, highlighting the upcoming campaign.
GlobalSkin CEO Jennifer Austin, who was also one of the speakers at the event, provided an overview of the resolution being planned for the World Health Assembly 2025. GlobalSkin Public Affairs Director Visnja Zaborski Breton elaborated on the details of the World Skin Health Coalition global awareness campaign #NotJustMySkin, which is scheduled to run from March 11 to April 5, 2024.
The Webinar allowed participants to learn about actionable steps their organizations could take to contribute to these initiatives and increase healthcare prioritization of skin conditions. It also emphasized the importance of collective action, highlighting that together, we are stronger.
#GlobalSkinWebinar #AdvocacyInitiatives2024 #CallsToAction #WHO #WHA #SkinResolution #SkinHealthPrioritization #WorldSkinHealthCoalition #AwarenessCampaign #NotJustMySkin #HealthcareAdvocacy #GlobalSkinImpact #CommunityStrength