Have you thought about lifting a drum track from an old song, so you can use that drummers performance characteristics, but apply your own drum samples, for a song you want to compose? It involves converting audio to midi and/or isolating the drum track. Then using a variety of tools and techniques, which I’ll demo in this video. I’ll walk through 3 slightly different methods and show you my results. Then I’ll discuss where we are with today’s DAWs and AI capabilities, and what we need for the future.
Of course you could sample the drum track if all you want is the sounds of a familiar drummer, but that wouldn’t capture the performance - and unless you convert audio to midi, it’s difficult to tweak the results, altering and adjusting the beats and pattern an assigning drum samples to your taste. I want to mimic the performance, but use my drum samples to change the results and made the drum track my own.
My journey took research as well as trial and error, so I’m sharing what I learned. If you’re a musician (drummer or otherwise), or a composer or producer, there are valuable lessons in this video. And, if Logic is your DAW, you see familiar features and better understand how they work.
#logicpro #logicdrumreplacement #level42 #logisstepeditor #drumbeats-online
Logic Step Sequencer & Pattern Regions https://www.apple.com/ca/logic-pro/
Moises AI. https://moises.ai/
RipX https://hitnmix.com/
Izotope Tools https://www.izotope.com/en/products/r...
Fashion Fever, Level 42
• Fashion Fever
00:00 Lifting a great drum performance in Logic
01:10 It should be easy, right?
02:23 I was dreaming a funky bass and drum pattern
07:56 using AI to isolate the drums
09:26 Bringing AI separated tracks into Logic
09:52 METHOD #1 - Doubling a drum part
15:10 METHOD #2 - Flexpitch to Midi Notes
20:33 METHOD #3 - Brute Force Mimic Patterns
25:23 Summary
26:43 Future AI could be better
27:40 Combined AI audio to midi in your next DAW!
28:26 Other apps like RipX and Izotope tools
29:10 Like & Subscribe
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