UJAM has some compelling drum bundles that define a “Niche” in the drum VST landscape. They’re easy to use, and yet powerful enough to compete with the best. The bundles are often great value at 75% - 90% less than buying individual drum apps. In this video, I’ll explain how UJAM fits into the spectrum, how the to create drum beats with a demo and tutorial of the basics. Then I’ll cover some advance feature as well, like…
drag n drop midi
editing midi in piano roll
using Logic Step Sequencer Regions
Logic’s sequencer templates for UJAM
Using Logic Pro, I’ll also show how to use Step Sequencer and Pattern Regions with UJAM Beatmaker. I’ll even show how to crete a template mapping you can setup and use, everytime and it’ll work with ALL the UJAM drum instruments!
#ujam #Beatmaker #Drumpatterns #LogicStepSequencer
📖 Chapters
00:00 UJAM Beatmaker has define a great Niche in the drum software landscape
00:35 KeySwitches | Quick tutorial of the BASICS…
02:32 Understanding the Niche and where UJAM compares
03:09 Logic’s AI Drummer Assistant is similar
03:41 Advance stuff… tutorial
05:25 Using Logic Step Sequencer and Pattern Regions with UJAM Beatmaker
05:46 Multi-Output of UJAM drum instruments in Logic Pro
08:24 Like, Subscribe and lend me your support
Affiliate Link - get UJAM bundles https://pluginboutique.com/?a_aid=65b...
UJAM BeatMaker Bundle https://www.ujam.com/beatmaker/
UJAM Authentic Pro Drums https://www.ujam.com/drummer/
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Plugin Boutique https://pluginboutique.com/?a_aid=65b...
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