I’m an FM synthesis junkie. I still love the classic sounds of FM and the DX7. But interest in FM seems to go in phases, making a come-back about every 4 or 5 years with new synths and a new style on an old idea, the same way I noticed Star Trek seems to keep coming back. Often a new cast, a new mission and a new Enterprise, each generation takes a renewed interest in the same stories. FM synthesis is similar, in that each new generation of sound designers can re-discover the sounds and how to make them.
This video covers early FM VSTs right up to simd of the latest. From Logic EFM1, Dexed, FM8, Flow Motion, F’em and OP-X4.
#FMSynthesis #FM8 #DX7 #ArturiaDX7V #Dexed #startrek
📖 Chapters
00:00 I’m an FM Junkie!
00:35 Star Trek and FM Synthesis makes a come back every 5 years!
01:40 Popular and legacy FM virtual synths
02:44 My Yamaha DX7 is beat up!
03:18 EFM1 from Logic - simple and legacy
03:57 Dexed VST [free] - best for managing DX7 cartridges and sysex
05:38 Arturia DX7 V - most modern DX7 clone
06:28 Arturia DX7 V - examples and presets
08:02 Native Instruments - FM8
09:10 Native Instruments - FM8 examples and presets
12:15 Waves - Flow Motion
13:00 Waves - Flow Motion - examples and presets
14:52 Air Audio - OP-x4
15:48 Air Audio - OP-x4 - examples and presets
19:40 Are new FM synths better than the older VSTs?
20:04 Tracktion - F ‘em
21:08 Tracktion - F ‘em - examples and presets
23:16 Analysis and Advice
Dexed https://asb2m10.github.io/dexed/
NI FM8 https://www.native-instruments.com/en...
Arturia DX7 V https://www.arturia.com/products/soft...
OP-x4 https://www.airmusictech.com/virtual-...
Tracktion F ‘em https://www.tracktion.com/products/f-em
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