Looking for a great retro Roland 606 drum machine? Check out the VSTs from Deputi. The “plus” adds nifty FXs, synth bass and a random feature called ‘Disrupt’ making it a modern solution to a retro sound. When old meets new, it’s always fun. But it’s the simplicity and ease-of-use that makes these drum machines good value. The DP-06+, the 808 and the 909 are all similar, but offer different samples. The DPX (clone of the ‘80 DMX) goes a little bit further in functionality, but still similar usability.
#Roland606 #DrumMachine #vintageDrumMachine
Deputi https://deputisounds.com/products/dp-06
NI Free Kontakt Player https://www.native-instruments.com/en...
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