This video concludes my series on the Unforgivable Sin. This series has examined the most common Scriptures that are often misunderstood and misinterpreted to teach that someone can place themselves beyond hope of salvation. It has examined the proper context of the unforgivable sin (that of blaspheming the Holy Spirit) so that we don't misapply it to our situation today. It has examined Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26 in their proper context, helping one to see that those passages are referring to a specific form of apostasy (born again Jews reverting to Judaism). Context reveals it was something that was done defiantly and deliberately, literally forsaking Jesus Christ and purposely leaving the safety and atonement of Jesus Christ while joining one's self to those who crucified Jesus, knowingly placing themselves back in bondage under the law.
We learned how there is a difference between the "sin willfully" of Hebrews 10:26 and willful sin in general. Willful sin in general can be forgiven as is made clear in 1 Corinthians 5. We also examined Romans 1:21-28 in light of the entire context, thus learning that the apostle Paul was speaking of the general Gentile guilt of sin in Romans 1 and placing all Jews in the same category as is made clear in Romans 2 and 3. We learned that anyone with a reprobate mind can be saved through the gospel (good news of what Jesus Christ did), which is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. If we believe the gospel we will obey the gospel.
This series was put together to give everyone hope in and through Jesus Christ through a full biblical understanding of the gospel the apostles preached. Many people who think they have fallen away from the faith have never been born again to begin with and wonder why they had no power and victory over sin. Someone can't fall away from something they never had to begin with. We must be born again (of the water and the Spirit) in order to enter the kingdom of God. What Peter declared in Acts 2:38 is how we actually by faith obey the gospel under the New Covenant in order to be born again (found in Christ), not having our own righteousness, but the righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ by faith.