After learning how God created all things by speaking His word and how everything contained in God's Word began with a thought in his heart and mind (His foreordained plan); God's Word is His self expression (Him revealing Himself), the thoughts and intents of His heart (an outward expression of His plan). We can now turn our attention to John 1:1 and come to understand why John used the Greek word "Logos," translated as "Word" in our English bibles. John was a monotheistic Jew and he only believed in one singular God whose name was Yahweh. He didn't believe in multiple persons that make up God. He didn't have "persons" in mind when writing the gospel of John. In modern times the concept of the Trinity was formulated by man and has continued to be passed down through tradition in the religious world causing many people to believe that John 1:1 is a proof text for the doctrine of the Trinity (the belief that God consists of multiple different eternal persons that make up one God in essence).
How do we reconcile the understanding from the Old Testament about there only being one singular divine conscious rational Being whose name is Yahweh with certain New Testament Scriptures that reveal a clear distinction between Father and Son? In this video we will learn that it's by understanding the incarnation. Not by turning God into different eternal persons.
John did not use the term "Son" in John 1:1 because that term always refers to the incarnation and involves human nature. The Son, therefore, did not exist before the incarnation (before the supernatural conception in the womb of Mary when God was manifest in the flesh). The "Son" only pre-existed the incarnation in thought as a foreordained plan in the mind of Yahweh God (the Son was with the Father in this manner only, but not as an eternal person beside the Father). The singular divine Person of God whose name is Yahweh, pre-existed the incarnation as the Word (Logos): the divine expression. The Word was God!
Yahweh God created the worlds by speaking forth His word (His self expression, the thoughts and intents of His heart). This is how He created the worlds in and through the Son (the Son was in His foreordained plan all along). This is why Jesus is called the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8) even though we know He wasn't actually slain until He was born and then was crucified in time. Since it was Yahweh God, the singular eternal divine Spirit who pre-existed the incarnation as the Word (Logos), it is appropriate to use the term "Word (Logos)" in reference to God without any reference to humanity. That is not true about the term "Son." "Son" always involves humanity and is a purely incarnational term. The Word (Logos) had pre-existence because the Word was God (Yahweh), the Creator. The Word (Yahweh God) then became flesh in the fulness of time and the Son was born (John 1:14; Galatians 4:4). So the Word was not an eternally begotten Son that was manifest in the flesh. The Word was the singular God, Yahweh, who became flesh in the fulness of time. There could only be a Son of God after the incarnation (after the Word was made flesh).
God sent forth His Son by manifesting in the flesh. This terminology all pertains to the incarnation and is referring to Yahweh Himself making Himself known in the face of Jesus Christ. Luke 1:35 tells us that the term "Son of God" was given to Jesus because the Holy Ghost came upon Mary. This never happened in the beginning, helping us to see that the term "Son of God" is an incarnational term. Nowhere in God's Word do we read about an eternally begotten Son. God is eternal, and on a particular day in time, God was manifest in the flesh and the Son of God was born. God now exists in 2 distinct manners at the same time while remaining one Person: as God transcendent to His incarnation in the flesh and as man through His incarnation in the flesh with human limitation wilfully placed upon Himself in that manner of existence. This is the mystery of the incarnation.
According to Hebrews 1:1-2, Yahweh God (the Father) didn't speak by the Son until after the incarnation in "these last days" that the apostles were in back in the first century. God the Father was speaking by the prophets before the incarnation and so in Isaiah 45:23 it is God the Father speaking through Isaiah (a prophet) and it's revealing that Jesus Christ is Yahweh God incarnate, not an eternal Son incarnate as we learn by taking this understanding and reading Romans 14:10-11.
Please join me in this video to better understand how the Word (Logos) of John 1:1 was "with" God. By comparing John 1 with 1 John 1 we can understand that the Word (Logos) is God Himself just like eternal life is God Himself. God's life was with Him, but certainly not in a face to face relationship. God's life is not a different person from Himself and neither is His Word (Logos).