After learning about the numerical singularity of God's being (His Person), we can now look more deeply at His name Yahweh (YHWH) in Hebrew. But first we need to define what a "person" is. When I use the term "Person" with regards to God, I am referring to a conscious rational being. So God would be considered a person who is divine. Angelic beings would be considered angelic persons. Human beings would be considered human persons. God is a divine Spirit and that is His Person (His Being). This video series has established so far that the Father who's name is Yahweh is the only Person of God that exists.
In this video it will be shown how denying that God's name is Yahweh is to some degree denying that God's name is Jesus since the name Jesus means Yahweh has become our salvation. There are many people who believe that we must pronounce God's name in Hebrew perfectly or else we are taking the name of the LORD in vain. But this is a flawed understanding to have. God's name is associated with His very Person. When we read Proverbs 18:10 we learn that the name of the LORD (Yahweh) is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and they are safe. Does this mean that the literal name of Yahweh is a tower somewhere that we can run into? Of course not! This is revealing that we can run to Yahweh's Person and we are safe in Him as our tower. We also learn that Jesus manifested the Father's name (Yahweh's very Person). Yahweh's name also dwelt in the temple, referring to His Person (2 Chronicles 2:1; 6:10). We also need to understand that God's name Yahweh, is a description of who God is. It's letting us know that He is the self existent or eternal one. Jesus being the name above all names is conveying to us that the Person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the most exalted Person that exists. This is letting us know that Jesus is the great I Am (Yahweh) from the Old Testament who has become our salvation.
We will learn that the name of God consists of four Hebrew letters (YHWH) and is known as the Tetragrammaton. Hebrew is read from right to left, not from left to right like we read in English. Hebrew contains no written vowels, though they are pronounced. The name of God YHWH is generally accepted by most Hebrew scholars to be pronounced Yahweh. Jehovah is the name written in our King James English Bibles. It is the Latinized/Anglicized version of that name, but in no way is Jehovah the Hebrew name of God that He revealed to Hebrew speaking people. The letter "J" and the sound associated with it doesn't even exist in the Hebrew language.
God revealed Himself to Hebrew people using Hebrew words to let them know who He is. God's name YHWH is a full sentence in Hebrew and it means "He is" or "He exists" in English. It describes God as the self existing or eternal One. YHWH (Yahweh) is the third person singular form of the Hebrew "Hayah" which is translated into English as "I Am" (to be/exist). The meaning behind God's name is what matters most because it let's us know who He is. There is much debate over how God's name is pronounced. The first syllable of God's name is actually contained in the Old Testament in the Hebrew phrase "Hallelujah" which means "Praise ye Yah" in English. Yah is the contracted (shortened) form of Yahweh. "Yah" is found almost 50 times in the Hebrew Old Testament (Ex: Psalm 68:4). When God's name was combined with other words, it described what God does or what He is to us. Jehovahjireh (Yahweh Provides-our Provider) - Genesis 22:14. Jehovahrapha (Yahweh heals-our Healer) - Exodus 15:26. Jehovahnissi (Yahweh our Banner) - Exodus 17:15. Jehovahshalom (Yahweh our Peace) - Judges 6:24. Jehovahraah (Yahweh our Shepherd) - Psalm 23:1.
The name Jesus (Yeshua) means Yahweh saves - Yahweh our Salvation! Jesus is the express image of Yahweh's very Person (Hebrews 1:3). There is only one God, the Father and His name is Yahweh and Jesus Christ is that one Person of God incarnate!