Beginner with Scaler 2 and looking for a tasty way to input chords? There are both song and artist presets to get you started, and the traditional method of picking a scale, key and mode, but what if you have a specific chord progression in mind? Maybe a song you know, but not quite sure how to play? There are several methods for getting that chord progression into Scaler 2 and this video will walk you through the steps.
If you’re just starting out with Scaler 2, this will give you quick and basic instructions on how to use it. I quickly look at detect mode, chord page and circle of 5ths, and the pad page with performance options.
#Scaler2 #LogicX #LogicPro
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📖 Chapters
00:00 Play series of tips and tricks
00:36 Using Scaler 2 for a chord progression
02:46 Different ways to enter chords
03:55 How this all worked in Logic
04:37 Pad page with performance & playback timings
05:39 Distracted by Wichita
06:55 Bye Bye!
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