In this installment of the Issues of Contemporary Politics Play List, I discuss the latest moves by the major actors in the unfolding drama of war and peace in Ukraine. Putin offerd his terms of peace in late May 2024 and Zelensky wants to convene a Peace conference in Geneva but without Russia. Macron is ready to send troops and Biden allows to shoot missiles hitting targets in Russia. What response would come from Russia? Are we on the bink of nuclear war? Why are the Western leaders pushing for escalation? Do they mean to fight? And if they do, will it not lead to the split in NATO? How ready are the publics and electorates in Europe to fight a war against Russia? Is Biden pushing Europe to a suicide or plain refusal to follow the US as Hungary has done? These are the ssues discussed here.
Dr. Brovkin is an American historian born in the USSR, who came to America fifty years ago and has PhD from Princeton and served as an Associate Professor of Soviet History at Harvard University. Now retired, he is the author of 7 books on Soviet Russian history, such as the Mensheviks After October; Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia; Dear Comrades: Menshevik reports; Russia After Lenin: Politics, Culture, Society; and the latest: From Vladimir Lenin to VladimirPutin: Russia in search of Its Identity, featured in this video. All these books are available on Amazon. Viewers in Russia can buy one book published in Russian language in Russia: Velikaya Oktiabrskaya Katastrofa. It is available on;; and