In this video I discuss the political carrer of President Putin from 2000 to 2024, partly based on a chapter in my book, From Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin. Russia in Search of Its identity. Why does the collective West dislike him so mcuh, more than Stralin or Lenin, the Communist tyrants, and why do the Russian people obviously like him in their vast majority? What is the secret of his support? How di he come to power in the first place? What did he do to reverse the trends of the 1990s when Russia was bankrupt with corruption, crime, unemployment, rule of oligarchs and de-facto a failed state. How did he manage to turn it into a prosperous country with a stable system, full employment, rising standard of living and personal popularity over 80%. These are some of the questions raised here.
Dr. Brovkin is an American historian, now retired who was born in the Soviet Union and who came to the US as a 22 year old legal emigrant. He became a Professor of Russian History at Harvard University and the author of several books of Soviet Russian History, among them From Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin, Russia in Search of Its Identity (Routledge London 2024)
Here is the link: