In this video we will examine the warnings that were given to various churches by the apostle Paul, telling them to not be partakers of the wrath of God with the children of disobedience but to instead walk as children of light. Other passages such as Romans 8:13 and 1 Thessalonians 5:19 reveal how a born again believer can choose to walk after the flesh and quench the Spirit. If it were not possible, then no warnings by the apostle Paul would have needed to be given to born again believers. This reveals choice on man's part. It is totally possible for a born again child of God to be partakers in the wrath of God that falls on the children of disobedience. If it were not possible, the apostle Paul's words would be meaningless or even mean that Paul was lying to them by telling them something that was an impossibility. Calvinistic doctrine teaches the doctrine known as Perseverance of the Saints (Once Saved Always Saved) and says that it is impossible for a born again believer to ever fall away and be lost. The Word of God reveals that the people of God can fall away and be lost if they walk in disobedience. We are safe and secure in Jesus Christ, but we must continue to abide in Him in order to be saved. We abide in Him by continued faith (obedience).