EOSC-Hub Common services - opportunities for usage and integration, chaired by John Kennedy, MPCDF
Expose existing services to end users and communities.
Expose integration activities (ensure that benefits of being in a linked eco-system of services comes across).
Encourage feedback from existing and future users
Three major sessions/presentations:
1. Common Services Opportunities for Usage and Integration, John Alan Kennedy, MCDF
EOSC Distributed computation and orchestration services,
Federated Compute Services, Enol Fernádez(EGI.eu),
Computing Orchestration services, Miguel Caballer (UPV)
2. EOSC Advanced Data Services (Foundational FAIR Data Services),
Service Integration Activities of Data Discovery and Access (D&A), Heinrich Widmann (DKRZ),
Introduction to services for data and metadata management, Michele Carpene (CINECA)
3. EOSC Advanced Data Services (Long Term Preservation and Sensitive Data),
EOSC-hub Long-term preservation services, Olivier Rouchon (CINES)
Sensitive Data Services, Abdulrahman Azab (UiO)