Security coordination & policy, chaired by David Kelsey, STFC
The security landscape in which the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and its partners are operating services online continues to evolve. Global federated access, distributed computing infrastructures, relatively open scientific communities and computer networks contribute to a unique threat landscape, inherently facilitating quick or large scale propagation of intrusions across multiple administrative domains.
This session will present and discuss all activities of the Security Coordination team of EOSC-hub all of which are aimed at:
Encouraging and supporting trustworthy Services
Maintaining the availability and integrity of Services
Coordination of operational security between e-Infrastructures within EOSC and also with others across the globe
Establishing and building trust between all participants in the EOSC eco-system
Introduction, David Kelsey - STFC UKRI
A recent security incident, Vincent Brillault - CERN
Avoiding security incidents
-- Lessons from incidents and assessing risks, Urpo Kaila - CSC, Finland
-- Handling software vulnerabilities, Linda Cornwall - STFC UKRI
-- Trust and policies, David Kelsey - STFC UKRI
-- Sharing threat intelligence, David Crooks - STFC UKRI, Liviu Valsan - CERN
Handling security incidents, Sven Gabriel - Nikhef
Improving coordination, Romain Wartel - CERN