Service Onboarding & Catalogue of services, chaired by Owen Appleton, EGI Foundation
Give people a view on what onboarding looks like today, what are the options and limitations,
Introduce the new description templates from EOSC Enhance
Implementing the RoP
The new RDT and EOSC enhance
Vision for onboarding post EOSC hub
15 mins: The current state of the catalogues and onboarding, Owen Appleton
A brief snapshot of where we are today, between EOSC-hub, Enhance, the regional and thematic projects.
20 mins The new description templates / resources metadata schema, and EOSC Enhance, Jorge Sanchez
Introduction to the PDT and RDT by Jorge, the idea and approach.
20 mins A vision of the EOSC onboarding resources to EOSC post EOSC-hub, Owen Appleton
A vision of how onboarding can and should look,. As a system of systems involving multiple catalogues with harmonised processes
30 mins Implementing the RoP, Group discussion, Mark van de Sanden, SURFsara and Matthew Viljoen, EGI Foundation
Discussion of how catalogues need to implement RoP from the higher-level generic guidelines