“My name is Josh Bogle and I am a quad amputee with a Shaka 🤙🏼 on my left hand. My life was not born this way but adapted after injury. It all started with a series of accidents that ultimately got me hooked on painkillers. This is not how I lost my legs but how I ended up in an unhealthy state of living. My addiction to pain meds caused my body to become so unhealthy that when I stepped on a fish hook, I was in a coma for 17 days in 2012 and ended up losing my limbs.
My body could not get oxygen to my limbs during the coma, and I had tissue damage from that period. This was my wake-up call. Surfing gave me my rebirth. I would never have guessed I would paddle out into surf to the awakened life I have now. Here is the story of how I found surfing and the ocean set me free.
In 2017/2018, I started swimming in the shoreline and going to the beach to strip off my prosthetic legs to swim in the ocean. The surf and fresh air called out to my soul and spirit. The effort it took to get myself to the beach and take off my legs was a huge deal, and I would go just to lay in the sun and swim. After a few months, I started to watch the surfers and thought they looked like they were flying. I dreamed of surfing, and over the following year, I found a way to try and kept trying.
I learned to surf and found adaptive surfing the most freeing feeling. I could fly like the surfers I used to watch and developed a connection with the ocean.
I went to my first adaptive surf contest at Dukes Fest in Waikiki and have surfed in places I had only ever read about.
In the end, I am just a guy with a dream and, a funny-looking hand, no legged body, but I still find a way to surf, stay positive, and charge all the waves I can.”
Josh Bogle