Ingredients & Directions ⬇️🏕️
We’re all about maximizing our fun and eliminating unnecessary work while camping, and this breakfast is an excellent way to start the day!!
➡️ If you want more ideas for camping and traveling with your family, be sure to subscribe!
🍳 Ingredients
Pam Cooking Spray
📝 Directions
To prep eggs:
1. Crack eggs, whip with whisk.
2. Add dash of milk and seasoning. Whisk together.
3. Pour into a large bottle. Seal tightly and label clearly.
4. Store in fridge or on ice in cooler.
To Make Camping Scramble:
1. Spray pan.
2. Cook/sauté any additions (peppers, onions, meat, mushrooms, etc).
3. Shake eggs and pour into pan along with meats/veggies.
4. Stir regularly until eggs are full cooked. Add in cheese (optional).
5. Let cool and enjoy!