When we hit midlife and start to experience peri and menopausal symptoms sleep can become a huge challenge for many women. And yet it's vitally important for our health, wellbeing and also any weight loss goals. Here I share a few (though I do feel a part 2 may be needed as there are certainly more) of my favourite sleep strategies that help me the most.
Let me know if you feel there are any that have been missed and should be added to this list.
Sleep is just one of the steps included in my FREE 5 day kickstart plan. Join using this link https://emmacolseynicholls.co.uk/kick...
Check out the full blog post here - https://emmacolseynicholls.co.uk/life...
Video's referenced :
Rosemary Oil For Hair Regrowth - • I Tried Using Rosemary Oil For 30 Day...
I Tried Using Castor Oil For Dark Circles - • 30-day Castor Oil Experiment For Brig...
Sleep Stories - @Stephen_Dalton
Matthew Walker - Why We Sleep -https://amzn.to/3TLlySN
Affiliate Links
Better You Magnesium - https://betteryou.com/emmacolseynicholls
Hairguard Growband - https://www.hairguard.com/?aff=ecn12
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0:00 Sleep For The 40+ Woman
3:23 Sleep For Weight/Fat Loss
7:45 How Many Hours Do Women Need
8:44 Magnesium For Sleep
9:25 Caffeine & Sleep
10:45 Blue Light & Sleep
12:00 Creating Your Bedtime Routine
13:32 Breathwork
13:58 Develop A Sleep Schedule
15:28 Morning Light Exposure
16:12 Fluid Intake
17: 21 Sleep Stories
18:01 Your Sleep Enviroment