AI Use In Daily Life Free Nova AI ChatGPT Copilot & Ballot AI
Mostly people are using Artificial Intelligence in their daily life due to much busy schedule & also to make the complex works easy.
In this video I used for making correct & easy paragraph making. The same web site have more free feature in which translation, alternates words & grammar checker is of vital importance. In this part of the video following were answered:-
How to write correct English if you are not good in English?
How to translate other language into your understanding language?
How to fix error in paragraph?
Free grammar check or free grammar checker
Words & synonyms through Director AI
2 has been used for write/ making huge official/ unofficial letter without any efforts. The letter or any other peace of text is made by chatgpt in seconds without any error so just write your name along with the name of the receiver & send it for completion of the task.
Copilot has been used to write longer Minutes of the Meeting in seconds effortlessly & the task has been completed with the best result because time, date, venue, participant, subject, theme, body, conclusion & end complements all were deliberated properly with correct order. The results of the Copilot were much impressive.
4 were used to write an sms to my boss to tell him that I cannot attend the next day meeting due to my bad health condition. So Nova AI has prepare the sms with my desired length with correct words. Nova AI is free artificial intelligence software which behaves like humane minds.
I also use co pilot to write me an sms to my beloved fiancé to tell her, her importance in my mind & the copilot wrote perfact romantic sms & additionally copilot has also added additional heart symbol for me in the sms. Through this AI software you can write the best of any language even if you do not know that language.
All above AI software are outstanding & they gave precise results.
Therefore, watch the video carefully & follow the instruction to avoid making wrong video, so your video may go automatically added to shorts video on youtube through automatic scanning through youtube algorithm.