Welcome to our comprehensive PD Model Development Series! Embark on a journey to master predictive modelling for credit risk assessment. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, each video equips you with essential skills. The video has six segments, which are -
🎥 1st Segment: Master Data Prep & Descriptive Stats
Dive into data preparation essentials. Learn to handle descriptive statistics, detect outliers, manage missing values, and more. Ideal for data scientists, analysts, and ML enthusiasts.
🎥 2nd Segment: Categorical Features Optimization
Explore advanced techniques for optimizing PD models. Delve into categorical features, one-hot encoding, scaling, and class balancing. Perfect for seasoned data scientists.
🎥 3rd Segment: XGBoost, Random Forest, Logistic Regression Models
Master predictive modeling using powerful algorithms. Learn model training and interpreting feature importance. Essential for data scientists seeking advanced techniques.
🎥 4th Segment: Seamless Integration: Scaled, Balanced Predictions
Discover integrating scaled and balanced predictions with the original dataset. Seamlessly merge optimized predictions, creating a robust foundation for predictive modeling.
🎥 5th Segment: Model Monitoring Dashboard
Dive into Model Monitoring mastery. Explore a dashboard tracking KPIs, Confusion Matrix insights, and detailed predictions. Essential for assessing and optimizing model performance.
🎥 6th Segment: Automating Preprocessing & Model Saving
Delve into advanced automation. Create a robust preprocessing module, save steps and trained models. Perfect for data scientists and professionals aiming to master predictive modeling.
📚 Series Overview:
This video caters to data science enthusiasts, analysts, and professionals seeking to master predictive modelling and automation. Subscribe, like, and turn on notifications for insights essential for credit risk assessment.
🔗 Explore each Segment for a complete guide to PD Model Development! Let's unlock the potential of Predictive Modeling together! 🌐🔍🚀
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Resources -
Developed script in the video - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
Script to understand the diff. in scores - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
Automated Pre-processing - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
Logistic saved model - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
Random Forest saved model - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
XGB saved model - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
Raw data utilised in the development - https://github.com/LEARNEREA/Data_Sci...
#PredictiveModeling #DataScience #CreditRiskAssessment #MachineLearning #DataPreparation #ModelTraining #FeatureEngineering #Automation #DataAnalytics #DataMining #XGBoost #RandomForest #LogisticRegression #DataVisualization #DashboardDevelopment #ModelMonitoring #AlgorithmTraining #DataProcessing #AnalyticsSeries #MLInPractice #AIforFinance #StatisticalAnalysis #DescriptiveStats #DataOptimization #FeatureImportance #DataInsights #TechEducation #ProfessionalDevelopment #DataScientists #AnalyticsJourney