This video shows you the steps to install and configure Windows 7 x64 Bit SP1 in a new virtual machine using VMware Workstation 16 Pro on Windows 10.
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Creating a New VM: 0:00
Downloading USB 3.0/3.1 Driver: 2:38
Installing Windows 7: 3:12
Installing VMware Tools (VSock and Shared Folder Driver Error): 9:30
Installing USB 3.0/3.1 Driver: 15:20
Adding Shared Folder: 18:00
Downloading Windows Hotfix (KB4490628, KB4474419): 19:38
Reinstalling VMware Tools: 28:42
Checking Shared Folder Operability: 32:22
Adding a New NVMe Disk: 34:00
Installing NVMe Disk Driver (PCI Device): 36:00
Fixing Standard NVMe Express Controller (KB2990941, KB3087873): 38:00
Cloning SATA Disk to NVMe Disk: 42:25
Running Windows 7 on NVMe Disk: 49:00
NOTE: After removing the SATA Disk, repair VMware Tools.
Step 1: One of its requirements for installation is to install VMware Workstation 16 Pro.
Video ➦ • How to Install VMware Workstation 16 ...
Step 2: After installing VM Workstation, download the Windows 7 ISO file used in this video tutorial from the link below.
Step 3: After downloading the Microsoft Win7 ISO file to your computer, run the VMware virtualization program.
Step 4: First of all, you must create a new virtual machine on VM Workstation. To do this, click Create a New Virtual Machine on the main screen of the program.
Step 5: In the New Virtual Machine Wizard window, select Custom and click Next.
Step 6: In the Hardware Compatibility window, select the Workstation 16.x version and then click the Next button.
Step 7: In the Guest Operating System window, select I will install the operating system later and click Next.
Step 8: Select "#Windows7 x64 Edition" in the Select Guest Operating System window and click on the Next button.
Step 9: In the Name and Platform window, type a name for the virtual computer, and in the Location section, specify the HDD or Partition where you want to install the virtual computer.
Step 10: In the Firmware Type window, select the BIOS option and click Next.
Step 11: In the Processor Configuration window, set the processor and kernel to the Windows 7 VM. Here, it will be sufficient to specify 1 processor and 4 core numbers.
Step 12: In the Memory for the VM window, assign 4 GB of RAM, a value that Windows 7 can run properly and does not tire your host.
Step 13: In the Network Type window, select Use Bridged Networking or NAT and click Next. For more information on what a bridged network is:
Step 14: In the I/O Controller Types window, select LSI Logic and click Next.
Step 15: Select SATA in the Select a Disk Type window and click the Next button.
Step 16: In the Select a Disk window, you must create a new disk to install Win7. Select Create a new virtual disk and click Next.
Step 17: In the Specify Disk Capacity window, select Allocate all disk space now and select Store virtual disk as a single file and continue.
Step 18: After creating a new virtual machine for Win7, add the ISO file you downloaded to your computer to the virtual machine.
Step 19: Install your Windows operating system on the virtual machine, and then restart your system. Now all you have to do is install #VMware Tools.
Step 20: Before installing VMware Tools on Windows 7, download the KB4490628 and KB4474419 updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog from the links below and copy these files to the virtual machine and install both updates.
NVMe Driver:
Step 21: After installing the necessary updates, restart your virtual computer and install VMware Tools.
Step 22: Check that VM Tools is not running by enabling the Windows 7 Aero theme and configuring Shared Folders.
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