Print Page Setup Or Print Settings & Shortcut Keys For Quick Printing

Опубликовано: 22 Январь 2025
на канале: JQ Khan Tech

Print Page Setup Or Print Settings & Shortcut Keys For Quick Printing

In MS Excel printing is comparatively harder than the printing in MS Word or Ms PowerPoint. In the start of this video I shared shortcut keys or formulas along with the shortcut without formulas through which you can make your print preview in the most quick & easy manner. Some of formulas are mentioned below:-
Alt + H + O + A for Rows fitting or Select the Rows of your Table & when the Arrow becomes, Double Headed then Double on the Row line for auto adjustment
Alt + H + B + A for creating boarder on the table Or Select the Table & open Boarder plus select border for creating boarders on the table
Alt +H + A + C for Central alignment, Alt + H + A + L Left side alignment, Right side alignment Alt + H + A + R or Select the Table & choose alignment type mentioned like multiple lines
Alt + H + H for Colors selection or Select the Table & choose Colors for your Table or part of Table
Re-name Excel Sheet Alt + H + O + R or Right Click on Excel Sheet & Rename for awarding new name to your sheet if desired
To go for print preview, select down Right Corner “Page Break Preview” or File & select Print/ Print Preview or Ctrl +P or make a shortcut in Up Right Corner Print Preview & Print Icon.
Options available for letter size & Select letter size, most often A4 size is used
Select Margins: Most often Normal Margin or Narrow Margin is used to maximum utilize the page
Page Setup the most important which page print preview can be adjusted in a suitable manner.
Adjust to: is used for covering the print area/ image size on already selected page
The button i.e. Margin Top, Bottom, Left & Right is used to increase or decrease print covered area or to increase or decrease white/ clean Edges of the page
Under Margin
Horizontal: The alignment options let you define the placement of text on the page on Horizontal Axis
Vertical: The alignment options let you define the placement of text on the page on page on Vertical Axis
Landscape orientation is when the width of the document is greater than the height.
Portrait is the opposite, where the height of the document is greater than the width

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