Native Instruments KONTROL S Series keyboards are some of the best and they’re currently on sale! The integration for users of Komplete Kontrol and the Maschine 2 software is second to none, while still offering DAW integration with Ableton, Logic and other popular DAW software.
But, what if you already have a good midi controller that you like? Is it time to upgrade or replace? In my case, I have a Novation Launchkey 49 MK3 and I started thinking about whether an NI KONTROL S Series is really necessary or just a nice-to-have. In this video, I’ll demonstrate how to use Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 with a Launchkey (or other make) midi controller versus the integration offered by KONTROL keyboards.
#NativeInstruments #KompleteKontrol #LaunchKeyMK3 #KONTROLS61
📖 Chapters
00:00 Intro to KONTROL S Series keyboards
00:58 The Kontrol S61 would be my choice
01:29 The KONTROL advantages and features
02:53 How a Novation Launchkey MK3 can be used in Komplete Kontrol
06:16 How a Launchkey MK3 can be used in Maschine 2
07:56 KONTROL M32 works both in Komplete Kontrol and as a DAW control surface!
09:46 Philosophical difference between Native Instruments and Novation
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