Bundles from 3rd party vendors can be great for expanding your sound library, plugin FX and tools, but do you really need them? I advocate getting all the free versions first, so you can try-before-you-buy. There are market leaders that offer limited functionality in a free version that never expires, to get you started. Use these to evaluate if the bundle has useful sounds and tools that can help you. Make sure you know what’s delivered in your DAW before you invest in more VSTs and plugins. In many cases the free version may be all you need in the beginning.
In this video, I describe 3 of the free downloads I think are worth consideration and highlight their flagship ‘pay for’ bundles, so you have an idea what the full version capabilities are.
#Logic #freeplugins #kompletestart #analogplay #Spitfirelabs
📌 Links:
Arturia Analog Lab Play https://www.arturia.com/products/soft...
Native Instruments Komplete Start https://www.native-instruments.com/en...
Native Instruments Free Stuff https://www.native-instruments.com/en...
Spitfire Audio Labs https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/packs
Plugin Boutique https://pluginboutique.com/?a_aid=65b...
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📖 Chapters
00:00 Do you need a 3rd party bundle?
00:57 Helping you develop a strategy
01:20 Arturia Analog Lab Play - FREE
02:15 Comparison to flagship Arturia V Collection capabilities
04:28 Explaining the process for getting the free bundles
05:13 Native Instruments - Komplete 15 capabilities
06:56 Komplete Start - FREE
07:53 Spitfire Audio Labs - FREE
08:40 Learn what plugins, VSTs, tools came with your DAW
09:58 You might not need or be ready for a 3rd party bundle
10:43 Plugin Boutique has a good library of FREE individual plugins
11:22 Outro
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