If you have already learned to make the descriptive statistical summary of DataFrame then the time comes to understand how can you use the statistical aggregation functions like:- sum, min, max, mean, average, product, median, standard deviation, variance, argmin, argmax, percentile, cumprod, cumsum, and corrcoef separatly on each of the variable or on a group of variables independently, and that's where we bring you this video to learn the technique in simplified and step by step way.
This video covers the following:
00:00 - Introduction
00:16 - Recap of Descriptive statistical summary video
01:09 - Understanding the need of different type of aggregation for each of the variable separately
02:06 - Understanding DataFrame aggregation function syntax and its arguments
05:24 - How to use one aggregation function on all of the variables in a DataFrame
06:06 - How to use multiple different aggregation functions on all of the variables in a DataFrame
06:49 - How to use multiple aggregation functions on one or multiple variables in a DataFrame
08:54 - How to use one or more aggregation function/s on one or more variables separately/individually
The list of aggregation functions which you can use from numpy are:
sum, min, max, mean, average, product, median, standard deviation, variance, argmin, argmax, percentile, cumprod, cumsum, and corrcoef
If you missed to watch the descriptive statistical summary video, don't worry, you can still watch that using below link:
• Descriptive Statistical Summary Using...
You can find the data used in the video, look for the file supermarket_sales_data.xlsx at below link:
You can find the script created in this video at below link:
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