Опубликовано: 06 Ноябрь 2024

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This film was made possible thanks to the support of subscribers through Boomstarter. Special thanks to Anastasia Sibireva, Ulzana Borodulina, Darya Asatryan, Elena Chistyakova, and one anonymous person.
Thank you to everyone who donated 100, 500, and 1000 rubles!
We thank every foster parent who participated in the creation of this film!

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When I wanted to end my life, I realized that I had reached a breaking point. I had only one choice - either my life or the lives of my foster children. These are the words of a foster mother whose story I will tell today. In the end, she returned herself and three children to the orphanage. More precisely, she found new foster parents for them.
This story happened three years ago and it was so shocking to me that when I was on my way to the interview, I couldn't even understand how such a thing could happen?
Just a year and a half before this tragedy, I had filmed her family as an example of happy foster parents living in a full house.
After this interview, the foster parents separated, the mother moved to another country, and now only this interview remains, filled with tears and disappointments.
What happened in this mysterious family drama? Let's figure it out together!

00:00 Briefly about the story
02:51 How did it all begin? How did the children appear?
10:00 Sveta, Artem, and Vika
14:40 Expert Alexey Gazaryan
17:45 Support service assistance
20:03 I didn't say "help me"
21:15 Expert Alexey Gazaryan
24:35 What was the cause of the severe state? Divorce
27:59 Expert Yana Leonova
30:34 A new husband
34:46 Refusal in court
39:57 Expert Alexey Gazaryan
46:53 Departure of the second husband
48:40 Expert Yana Leonova
49:59 Thoughts about returning the children
56:54 Expert Elena Tumanova-Machinskaya
59:13 How did I tell the children about the return?
01:02:30 Expert Yana Leonova
01:07:10 How did I give the children up?
01:10:10 Expert Alexey Gazaryan
01:13:42 Return. How were the children transferred to another family?
01:12:14 About foster parents and advice for future parents
01:30:46 Is it possible to change the number of returns and how can this be done?