A single mother raises an adopted daughter with cerebral palsy and builds a farm

Опубликовано: 13 Март 2025

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Anya and Eva are the kind of people who truly want to lend a helping hand. If you want to help them, here is Anna's card: 2202200707048615 (Sberbank, recipient: Vostryakova Anna Viktorovna)

This is a film about a girl who was given a second chance at life. Eva was born at 29 weeks, she had a brain hemorrhage at birth. She spent 2 months on a ventilator. Her biological parents gave up on her when she was still in the hospital. Strangely enough, right after they did that, the girl started breathing. By a stroke of luck, Anna Vostryakova saw Eva at 4 months old, and almost immediately adopted her. Because of this girl, Anna gave up everything and moved from Moscow to the village of Belaya Kolp in the Moscow region. Today, thanks to the huge efforts of the mother who constantly worked with the child, Eva only has a mild form of cerebral palsy. At the time, the adoption was blessed by Father Evfimiy from Optina Pustyn Monastery. And now, for 9 years, Anna has been living alone with her daughter. It's very tough for the girls. There is no help from anyone. But they have to survive in the village, so Anna decided to start a farm. She produces milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. She bakes cakes and other culinary products. Be sure to watch this film!

00:00 Introduction by the host
01:24 Anna about the orphanage
02:46 What happened to Eva?
03:38 Advertisement for the brand 4MATES
04:20 How did she find Eva?
09:50 "Couldn't betray her"
12:20 Did you immediately feel she was your daughter?
16:17 What would have happened to Eva if it wasn't for Anna?
18:14 Adoption
21:45 Livestock yard
29:29 About children without parents
32:12 About burnout
34:15 Eva about goats
36:17 Farm
44:30 Subscribe