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The channel is very young. He talks about caring people, foster families and orphans. This is a social project, made by a small team of creative people. To shoot each video, I need to pay for the work of a producer, cameraman, editor, and sound engineer.
For cooperation issues: [email protected]
Maxim Inozemtsev, an adoptive father, has not been able to adopt his two adopted children for 2.5 years. He described his situation in more detail in a letter where he asks for help:
"According to Article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a single man has the same rights as a woman, regardless of marital status. I am raising two children from an orphanage, whom I took in at the age of 1.3 and 3.2 years. Biological parents burned their son bulls, the children were starving and the guardianship authorities took them away at 0.3 and 2.2 years old. The children have been with me for 7 years now. Their biological parents have been deprived of their parental rights, but they can restore them and take the children away at any time. Whatever this happens. , according to the law, I have the right to adopt them and am trying to do this, but the guardianship authorities refuse me (I have official refusals).
The reason for the refusal is that I am a single man. We took the children together with my wife because she could not get pregnant. However, two years ago my wife divorced me because she could not love the children, could not cope with difficulties and left the family.
As they explained to me in the guardianship authorities (Moscow, Chertanovo Central), there is an unspoken order not to give single men custody, much less adoption of children, since those who want to do this are most likely sick. That is, all men or very many in our country are sick in their opinion. They do not specify who decided this. The guardianship authorities are not guided by the law on adoption and do not provide me with my legal right, based on the stereotype that a man cannot raise children... I live with constant fears that the children may be taken away....
"According to Article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a single man has the same rights as a woman, regardless of marital status. I am raising two children from an orphanage, whom I took in at the age of 1.3 and 3.2 years. Biological parents burned their son bulls, the children were starving and the guardianship authorities took them away at 0.3 and 2.2 years old. The children are currently 6.5 years old with me, but they can restore them and take the children away at any time. did not happen, according to the law I have the right to adopt them and I am trying to do this, but the guardianship authorities refuse me (I have official refusals).
The reason for the refusal is that I am a single man. We took the children together with my wife because she could not get pregnant. However, two years ago my wife divorced me because she could not love the children, could not cope with difficulties and left the family.
As they explained to me in the guardianship authorities (Moscow, Chertanovo Central), there is an unspoken order not to give single men custody, much less adoption of children, since those who want to do this are most likely sick. That is, all men or very many in our country are sick in their opinion. They do not specify who decided this. The guardianship authorities are not guided by the law on adoption and do not provide me with my legal right, based on the stereotype that a man cannot raise children... I live with constant fears that the children may be taken away....
See the film for details of the story!
Instagram* Galina Teryaeva / galinateryaeva
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00:00 Introduction
01:16 Meeting Maxim's children
02:35 How did Maxim’s story begin?
03:31 Meeting with children in an orphanage
08:20 “I didn’t love them,” said Maxim’s wife
13:59 The first time after my wife left
20:33 Why is it important to adopt children?
23:50 Why doesn’t guardianship give permission for adoption?
33:20 Call to guardianship
34:35 Lawyer about Maxim’s situation
37:50 Subscribe to the channel