How to fade in and fade out audio in FL Studio

Опубликовано: 29 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: NGB 2.0

FL Studio Beginner Tutorial - In this tutorial, I show you how to fade in and fade out audio in FL Studio. Watch the full video till the end to know more about it.

Subtitles :-
Hey guys, welcome back to NGB 2.0 and in this video I want to show you how to fade in and fade out audio in FL Studio. Now it's actually super easy to fade in and fade out audio in FL Studio. So without further delay let's get started and see how you can do this.

Now to demonstrate this I've already imported an audio. So this is my audio present right here and let me quickly play this audio for you. Now to apply a fade in effect or a fade out effect you need to first select the region of the fade in or the fade out.

So let's first apply a fade in effect. So I need to first select the region of the fade in. So to do that first select the 'Select' tool which is present right here.

Next select the region of the fade in like this. Next click on this option and this will open up the 'Mixer'. Now inside 'Mixer' you're going to find this option called 'Master'.

So you need to right click on this Master slider and now you need to select this option that is 'Create automation clip'. Now the moment you select 'Create automation clip' you're going to see that a 'Master-Volume' has been added in the region of your selection. Next close the 'Mixer' window and now you need to unselect this selection by clicking on the cursor which is present right above.

Next select the 'Paint' tool and now if you bring your cursor on top of 'Master- Volume' you're going to find three control points. So if you drag the first control point below like this a fade in effect will be applied. So if I play the audio for you once again this time as you can see a fade in effect has been applied.

Let's now see how you can apply a fade out effect. So let me go right at the end of the audio like this. Now to apply the fade out effect you need to first select the region of the fade out.

So select the 'Select' tool and now select the region of the fade out like this. Next you need to click on this option and open up the 'Mixer'. Now inside 'Mixer' right click on this Master slider and now select this option that is 'Create automation clip'.

Now as you can see a second 'Master-Volume' has been added in the region of your selection. So close the 'Mixer' and now unselect this selection by clicking on this cursor which is present right above. Next select the 'Paint' tool and now if you bring your cursor on top of 'Master-Volume' you're going to find the three control points once again.

This time you need to move the last control point below like this and this will apply a fade out effect. So now if I play the audio for you. So this is how you can fade in and fade out audio in FL Studio.

Do let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Like the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will again see you in the next video. Till then thanks for watching.
