Convert Picture To Excel Table
This is the most easy & important video because you will see how mobile works from outside while working & you will also watch the digital screen recording at wider level.
Converting picture into soft excel table can save you much time and energy. In this video I converted picture table to soft table via Android Mobile as this feature is available in almost all mobile phone. If your mobile does not offer this facility than you can download & register to Ms Office 365 online which provide these facility/ features for free.
As I earlier stated that during the upload of my video mentioned/ available/ uploaded, on the name “Convert Picture To Excel Table Or Convert Image To Excel Table By Google” that I will share the easy & free method regarding converting image into ms excel, so its available and few click away from your PC or Cell Phone or its free email registration (Thumbnail of the video will be available at the end of this video).
Following few steps are hereby mentioned for Convert Picture to Soft:-
Open Microsoft 365 Office in your mobile phone & Press Create & then Excel
Press Scan Table & now point your camera on Table you want to change into soft
Take picture & use Crop if Required
Finally Press Open or use copy past the same in Ms Excel Sheet.
Now automatically table in is converted into soft double tap on table & do amendment if needed