Logic Pro X 10.7 Drum Options Overview
If you're new to Logic or need a refresher, you'll want to understand the various options for drum tracks. They start with the easy 'Drummer' instrument and get more complex and powerful up to the Drum Machine Designer and Step Sequencer, with it's Pattern Regions. This video provides an overview of 4 different drum tools delivered in Logic and how to use them. You'll be quickly making your own beats, defining your own unique drum patterns, making your own drum kits from samples and learning how to save those assets for your next song.
#logicx #DrumMachineDesigner #LogicDrums #makingbeats
00:00 4 Different Drum Tools in Logic 10.7
01:13 Drummer - the performance
04:07 Drum Kit Designer - the sounds
04:41 Drum Synth Instrument
05:34 Drum Machine Designer (DMD) - Sample Player
08:03 Creating Pattern Regions
10:27 Making DMD Kits from any source of samples
14:48 Converting Pattern Regions to Midi
15:54 Final Thoughts
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