24 тысяч подписчиков
73 видео
How to make an exact copy of formula without changing cell references in Excel
How to Freeze Multiple Rows and or Columns in Excel using Freeze Panes
A Drop of Excel - 07 | How to work with a Large Set of Data in Excel
How to create a Calculated Field in Pivot Table in Excel
How to Freeze Multiple Rows and or Columns in Google Sheets using Freeze Panes
How to Reverse or flip data range in Excel
How to duplicate or make copies of your pivot table. Make multiple pivot tables quickly.
Generate First 1st Date of current month using Today function in Excel
Allow only 10 digit numeric mobile number in Excel using Data validation
Excel Rank Function with different ranks for same values
Clean Mobile Numbers list using Len and Right functions in Excel
How to transpose multiple rows and columns in Excel in one shot
Google Translate function in Google Sheets to translate words and sentences
Custom Data Validation in Excel to have Customer ID in a particular way only
How to fill empty cells with previous row value in Excel
Five uses of the Enter Key in Excel
How to Remove duplicates using Unique function in Google Sheets
A Drop of Excel - 08 | Restrict and Protect in Excel
How to Hide and Show the top menu ribbon in Excel using a keyboard shortcut and a mouse trick
A Drop of Excel - 10 | Paste Special, Find & Replace, Go to Special
How to use SUMIF and SUMIFS functions in Excel
How to use Vlookup with multiple conditions in Excel
Create Real-time Stocks Portfolio in Google Sheets - Part 3
How to remove line breaks in Excel in one shot
Rank in Excel in sequence. Same value, same rank. Different value, different rank.
What is a Pivot Table and how to make a Pivot Table
Remove Line Breaks in Excel to Rearrange Names and Address
Calculate time difference in excel between 2 times
How to create a pivot table from multiple sheets of data
How to use Filter function in Excel and Filter data based on 1 or 2 or more criteria
How to Restrict duplicate data entry in a column in Excel
How to correct a Line chart with no line on the chart in Excel
How to use SORT and SORTBY functions in Excel and Sort on single or multiple columns
A Drop of Excel - 02 | Data types and Data structure in Excel
A Drop of Excel - 06 | How to work with Dates in Excel
A Drop of Excel - 09 | Working with IF Conditions and Conditional Formatting in Excel
How to remove multiple hyperlinks together in Google Sheets
A Drop of Excel - 05 | How to create a Formula across Sheets and or Files in Excel
Create Real-time Stocks Portfolio in Google Sheets - Part 2
A Drop of Excel - 12 | Reporting using Pivot Tables, Slicers and Pivot Charts in Excel
Preserve and keep formatting constant when refreshing Pivot Table in Excel
A Drop of Excel - 03 | Data and Cell Formatting
A Drop of Excel - Introduction
How to create an Insurance tracker and manage Insurance policies efficiently using Excel
Generate Random Text in Excel using Hlookup
A Drop of Excel - 04 | How to create Formulas and work with various Functions in Excel
How to display the date correctly inside Concatenate function in Excel
A Drop of Excel | Understanding the dataset used in the examples
A Drop of Excel - 01 | User Interface and Cell Referencing Basics
How to use Format Painter on multiple cells together in Excel