635 тысяч подписчиков
398 видео
How to Design Binary Multiplier Circuit | 2-bit, 3-bit, and 4-bit Binary Multiplier Explained
MOSFET Common Source Amplifier - Small Signal Analysis ( Voltage Divider Bias )
Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier Explained | Feedback Amplifier
Feedback Topologies in Amplifier Explained | Feedback Amplifier
Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier Explained | Feedback Amplifier
Identify the Feedback Topology | Feedback Amplifier
What is Real Time Clock (RTC)? How RTC works? Applications of Real Time Clock
Programmable Logic Array (PLA) Explained | What is PLA | PROM vs PLA | Boolean Functions using PLA
Floating Point Numbers | Fixed Point Number vs Floating Point Numbers
Cascode Current Mirror Explained (with Simulation)
PN junction Diode Explained | Forward Bias and Reverse Bias
Current Shunt Feedback Amplifier Explained | Feedback Amplifier
What is RFID? How RFID works? RFID Explained in Detail
Independent and Dependent (Controlled) Sources
Octal and Hexadecimal Number System Explained
Semiconductor Memories : RAM - Memory Decoding Explained
LIDAR Explained: What is LIDAR? How LIDAR Works? LIDAR vs RADAR
MOSFET- Depletion Type MOSFET Explained (Construction, working and Characteristics Explained)
How to Draw a State Transition Diagram? Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits
Laplace Transform Properties (Part - 1) | Scaling, Time Shifting, Frequency Shifting Properties
What is Galvanic Isolation ? Why Galvanic Isolation is required in Electronic Systems ?
BJT Small Signal Analysis: Common Emitter Fixed Bias and Voltage Divider Bias
Feedback Amplifier : Effect of Negative Feedback on Amplifier Characteristics
What is Thermistor ? Types of Thermistors | Applications of Thermistor Explained
CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) Explained
Bit Rate vs Baud Rate | Difference between Bit Rate and Baud Rate
What is Clock Skew ? The Positive and Negative Clock Skew Explained
Introduction to Feedback Amplifier | The concept of Negative Feedback and its advantages
Ring Oscillator Explained | Applications of Ring Oscillator
Wired AND Logic Explained | What is Wired Logic in Digital Electronics ?
Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex Communication | Transmission Modes in Communication System
Input Bias Current in Operational Amplifiers
Current Series Feedback Amplifier Explained | Feedback Amplifier
How to use ROM as Programmable Logic Device | ROM as PLD
Introduction to Sequential Circuits | Digital Electronics
Op-Amp: Current to Voltage Converter (Transimpedance Amplifier) and it's applications
How Fast Charging Works in the Smartphone ?
How does a capacitor work ??
BCD Ripple Counter (with Simulation) | Ripple Counter as Frequency Divider | Cascading of Counters
Semiconductor: What is Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor ? P-Type and n-Type Semiconductor
Successive Approximation ADC Explained
Introduction to 555 Timer: The Internal Block Diagram and the Pin Diagram Explained
Setup Time and Hold Time of Flip Flop Explained | Digital Electronics
Decibel (dB): What is dB, dBm, dBW, and dBV in Electronics? Difference between dB and dBm
Introduction to Diode: What is Diode ? V-I characteristics of the Diode Explained
Multiplexer Explained | Implementation of Boolean function using Multiplexer
How to calculate the RMS and Average value of Half wave Rectifier and Full wave rectifier
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) Explained
What is Modulation ? Why Modulation is Required ? Types of Modulation Explained.
Binary Number System: Counting in Binary Number System | Binary to Decimal Conversion
Sequence Detector | How to Design a Finite State Machine ? Step By Step Guide with Examples