Introduction to Diode: What is Diode ? V-I characteristics of the Diode Explained

Опубликовано: 29 Сентябрь 2024

In this video, the diode and its V-I characteristics have been explained.

The following topics have been discussed in the video.

0:43 What is Diode?

1:53 V-I characteristics of Diode

3:57 Ideal Diode and it's V-I characteristics

6:49 The ideal diode with the threshold voltage

10:04 The ideal diode with a threshold voltage and resistance

12:41 Piece-wise linear characteristics of the diode

What is a diode?

The diode is two terminal semiconductor element which allows the flow of current in one direction. (It's unilateral element)
The one terminal of the diode is known as the anode and another terminal is known as the cathode.

Forward Bias:
when the applied voltage across the anode and cathode is positive then the diode allows the flow of current and it is said to be forward biased.

Reverse Bias:
If the applied voltage is negative then it will not allow the flow of current and diode is said to be reversed biased.

V-I characteristics of the diode:

Using V-I characteristics of the diode, it is easy to find the voltage and current in the circuit which contains the diode.

The diode is a non-linear element. It means the relationship between voltage and current is non-linear. Because of the non-linear relationship, it is a bit difficult to analyze the circuit which has a diode.

And to analyze the circuit, different diode approximations are used.
In the video, different diode approximations have been discussed.

At the end of the video, different diode parameters have been discussed.

This video will be helpful to everyone for getting the basic overview of the diode and understanding the V-I characteristics of the diode.

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