Sequence Detector | How to Design a Finite State Machine ? Step By Step Guide with Examples

Опубликовано: 01 Октябрь 2024

This video explains the step by step design of the Finite State Machine (FSM). The procedure of designing the Mealy type FSM is explained by the example of 1001 Sequence Detector.
In this video, the design of both Overlapping and Non-overlapping Sequence Detector is explained along with the Simulation of the Designed Circuits.

You can download the notes for this video using the following link:

The link for the other useful videos related to Finite State Machine:

1) What is Finite State Machine ? Mealy and Moore Machine Explained.
   • Finite State Machine Explained | Meal...  

2) How to Draw a State Transition Diagram | Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits
   • How to Draw a State Transition Diagra...  

3) State Reduction and State Assignment in the State Diagram
   • Finite State Machine : State Reductio...  

4) Sequential Circuits (Playlist):
   • Sequential Circuits  

The steps of designing the Finite State Machine :

1) Define the purpose of the Machine in simple words or in form of Block Diagram. Define the inputs and outputs of the FSM. It should be realizable using finite number of memory elements.
2) Draw a State Transition Diagram
3) Draw a State Table
4) Remove the redundant states from the state table
5) Select the Type of Flip-Flop (D, T, JK or SR) and draw the excitation table
6) Find the Boolean Function for each flip-flop in terms of state variables and inputs.
In a same manner, also fine the output Boolean Function.
7) Draw and Implement the Logic Circuit.

0:00 Steps for Designing the Finite State Machine
2:00 Overlapping vs Non-Overlapping Sequence Detector
5:09 Design of 1001 Overlapping Sequence Detector (Mealy Machine)
16:16 Design of 1001 Non-Overlapping Sequence Detector
21:36 Simulation of the Designed Circuits

This video will be helpful to all the students of science and engineering in learning, how to design the Finite State Machine and how to design the Overlapping and Non-Overlapping sequence detector.


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