Successive Approximation ADC Explained

Опубликовано: 29 Сентябрь 2024

In this video, the working of the Successive Approximation type ADC is explained using the example of 4-bit ADC.

By watching this video, you will learn the following topics:

0:00 Introduction

0:34 Working of SAR ADC

6:40 Typical Specifications of SAR ADC

7:33 Advantages of SAR ADC

Successive Approximation ADC:

Successive Approximation ADC is the very common type of ADC today and it is used in many general-purpose applications.

The major components of this ADC are the comparator, Digital to Analog Converter, and Successive Approximation Register.

In this ADC, the output of the DAC is compared with the input signal (which is sampled using the sample and hold circuit) and based on the comparator output, the output of the Successive Approximation Register is changed (One bit at a time)
And the output of the SAR is given as an input to the DAC.

Conversion Time: (No . of bits of the ADC ) x (Clock Cycle)

In this ADC, the conversion time is independent of the input signal.

Advantages of SAR ADC:

1) Good Accuracy
2) Fast Conversion
3) Low Power Conversion
4) Easy to Use
5) Low Latency Time

In this video, the working of the SAR ADC is explained using the example of 4-bit ADC.

The link to the other useful videos related to ADC and DAC:

1) Introduction to ADC and DAC
   • Introduction to ADC and DAC  

2) Dual Slope ADC
   • Analog to Digital Converter: Single S...  

3) R-2R ladder DAC
   • R-2R Ladder DAC Explained (with Solve...  

4) Counter Type ADC
   • Counter Type ADC Explained  

5) Tracking Type ADC
   • Analog to Digital Converter: Tracking...  
This video will be helpful to everyone in understanding the working of the Successive Approximation Type ADC.


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