How to calculate the RMS and Average value of Half wave Rectifier and Full wave rectifier

Опубликовано: 30 Сентябрь 2024

In this video, the RMS and Average value of half wave rectifier and the full wave rectifier have been calculated.

The following topics have been covered in the video:

1:11 Calculation of Average (DC) value of the Half-wave rectifier

3:51 Calculation of Average (DC) value of the Full-wave rectifier

6:12 Calculation of RMS value of the Half-wave rectifier

9:31 Calculation of RMS value of the Full-wave rectifier

The Average value of Half-wave rectifier = Vm/π

The Average value of Full-wave rectifier = 2Vm/π

The RMS value of Half-wave rectifier = Vm/2

The RMS value of Full-wave rectifier = Vm/√2

The link for the other useful videos:

1) Full wave Rectifier:
   • Full wave Rectifier Explained  

2) Half-Wave Rectifier:
   • Half wave Rectifier Explained  

3) How to solve the diode circuits:
   • How to Solve the Diode Circuits (Expl...  

4) RMS and Average Value:
   • RMS (Root Mean Square) Value and Aver...  

This video will be helpful to all the students of science and engineering in learning, how to find the RMS and the average value of half wave and full-wave rectifier.


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