Discord Chatbot Tutorial - Implement a Discord Application in Javasacript

Опубликовано: 13 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Genka

Let's build our own discord chatbot!

(00:00) - Intro
(01:10) - Prerequisites
(01:21) - Create your own discord channel
(01:38) - Setup ngrok for a public tunnel
(02:53) - Discord Developer Portal
(05:14) - Setup a Javascript Nodejs webapplication
(09:02) - Discord Request Verification
(11:02) - Handle a Ping Request
(12:07) - Configure the Interactions Endpoint in Discord Develoeprs Portal
(13:19) - Install a Slash Command in the Discord Channel
(19:23) - Handle a Slash Command
(21:05) - Use Reddit API to find animal pictures
(25:42) - Add Buttons to a Chatbot Message
(28:56) - Handle Button Interactions
(31:23) - Outro