How Do You Find Your Target Audience On YouTube In 2024?
If you've been uploading videos to your channel, that's only resulted in a few views for each video, you're probably targeting the wrong audience. If you upload videos to your channel on topics that your audience is interested in, you'll get a lot of views.
But how do you know what topics your audience is interested in so YouTube can serve videos to that particular audience?
1. YouTube search.
If you type your main keyword into YouTube search, YouTube will give you a list of suggestions on what people are searching for.
2. YouTube analytics.
Under the audience tab, you'll see videos growing your audience channels your audience watches. Watch your audience watches and when viewers are on YouTube,
Read the comments under your videos as well as under the comments for related videos from your competitors. If there are recurring questions, make videos answering those questions.
Once you've discovered your target audience and the content they're interested in, it's easier to make videos that get a ton of views.
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