Hi Angels 💖
I'm back so soon 😇 Sorry this video is a day late, I actually wasn't planning on making another video after my last upload! But you guys blew me away with the support, thank you so much. It genuinely makes me happy that there are still so many of you who enjoy my ASMR. This video was a lil chaotic, I mostly just wanted to spend time together + be chatty. Next week will be a one shot deep relaxing video with a new headset I'm treating myself to today, I'm so excited! I'll see you then! Don't forget to like and comment to let me know if I should keep making videos~ :)
Love Ya,
xoxo Kimi
It'd mean the world to me if you followed my socials
I'm always posting what I'm up to
(and my cat)
My Patreon: https://patreon.com/angelsasmr?utm_me...
⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch: / angelskimi
Instagram: / angelskimi
Twitter: / angelskimi
Snowball's IG: / snowballcatcat
Gaming YouTube: / angelskimi
Twitch VOD Channel: / @angelskimivods
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
Business Email: [email protected]