ASMR 3Dio Ear Blowing ❤️ (ear cupping, whispers, taps)

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 2025
на канале: Angels ASMR


HAPPY 2024!!!!!! Hope you had some nice times this holiday season. I for one am feeling quite good going in to this new year. I have some general new years resolutions of: continuing to be consistent and improve in my consistency, and learning how to cook :D!! I dabbled in cooking in the past, but this year I actually want to learn. Mostly because I've been paying attention to my health lately and I want to control what I eat, but also because I think cooking is just a nice warm skill for anyone to have :D I also just love food

I'm super grateful to have you guys coming in to this new year ❤️ I hope each and every one of you get some much needed, much deserved me-time and relaxation :) I wish I could wave a little wand and grant everyone 8 hours of sleep but I can't... so making asmr videos is a close second ;D waves wand

Enjoy the video!!!
happy tingling


ASMR Mondays continue on Twitch!!! yay


⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch:   / angelskimi  
Instagram:   / angelskimi  
Twitter:   / angelskimi  
Snowball's IG:   / snowballcatcat  

Gaming YouTube: @AngelsKimi
Twitch VOD Channel: @AngelsKimiVODs
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)

Business email: [email protected]