HELLO AND HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
HAHA FANCY SEEING YOU HERE I MAY HAVE FORGETTEN THAT THERE IS ONE MORE SUNDAY OF 2023!!!!! (Last video, I said that was the last video this year) My brain is SO SCATTERED AND CHAOTIC (oh well life is more fun this way copium)
I continue the headset immersion series with the Razer Kraken Pro =] They were kind enough to send me some goodies to try. Anyone else's first reaction would be to want to use the headset to idk play like Valorant but NOPE! I was so excited to put it on my 3dio and make ASMR with it. I swear that's my first reaction every time I see a new headset now. And lucky for me, it's one of your guys' favorite triggers too :)
And with this video, we officially end 2023. It's been an amazing year, stay safe and warm tonight!!! Make good choices!!! See you next year ❤️
❤️ https://patreon.com/angelsasmr?utm_me...
⭐ f o l l o w m e ⭐
Twitch: / angelskimi
Instagram: / angelskimi
Twitter: / angelskimi
Snowball's IG: / snowballcatcat
Gaming YouTube: @AngelsKimi
Twitch VOD Channel: @AngelsKimiVODs
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
Business email: [email protected]