Build a TV Show Search App with React JS & Redux Toolkit TVMaze API: React JS Tutorial

Опубликовано: 11 Октябрь 2024
на канале: GeekProbin

👨‍💻 Source Code:

🎥 Welcome to our in-depth tutorial series, where we'll guide you through the creation of a cutting-edge TV show search application using React, Redux Toolkit, and the dynamic TVMaze API!

🔍 Embark on a comprehensive journey with us as we delve into the intricacies of React development, leveraging the latest features and best practices to craft a polished and feature-rich application.

🛠️ Throughout this tutorial, we'll explore a plethora of essential tools and libraries that form the backbone of modern web development, including:

📌 React 18.2.0: Harness the power of React to build interactive and responsive user interfaces.
📌 React DOM: Seamlessly render your React components into the DOM for optimal performance.
📌 Redux Toolkit: Simplify state management with Redux Toolkit, ensuring your application's data remains organized and efficient.
📌 React Icons: Enhance the visual appeal of your UI by integrating a vast collection of high-quality icons.
📌 React Redux: Seamlessly integrate React with Redux for efficient data flow and state management.
📌 React Router DOM: Implement smooth navigation within your application with React Router DOM.
📌 React Slick: Create stunning, responsive carousels to showcase your content in an engaging manner.
📌 Redux Persist: Persist your Redux store data across sessions, ensuring a seamless user experience.
📌 Slick Carousel: Leverage the power of Slick Carousel to create captivating slideshow presentations.
📌 Styled Components: Style your components with ease and flexibility using Styled Components, empowering you to create visually stunning interfaces.

🌟 Armed with these powerful tools and techniques, you'll embark on a journey to build a feature-rich TV show search app that not only delights users but also showcases your expertise in React development.

📈 Throughout the tutorial series, we'll provide comprehensive explanations and hands-on demonstrations of React best practices, Redux state management, API integration strategies, and more, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to tackle real-world projects with confidence.

#ReactTutorial, #FrontendDevelopmentTutorial, #JavaScriptTutorial, #APITutorial, #TVMazeTutorial, #MovieDatabaseTutorial, #TVShowDatabaseTutorial, #CodingTutorial, #ComponentLifecycleTutorial, #RESTfulAPITutorial, #FetchAPITutorial, #ReactHooksTutorial, #StateManagementTutorial, #SinglePageApplicationTutorial, #ResponsiveDesignTutorial, #CSSTutorial, #HTML5Tutorial, #JSONTutorial, #AxiosTutorial

🌟Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios. (   / @oakstudiosok  )
Song: Pearl -    • [Background Music] Pearl - Beautiful ...  
Song: Sam -    • [Background Music] Sam - Chill Guitar...  
Song: Angels -    • [Background Music] Angels - Artistic ...  
Song: Such Memories -    • [No Copyright Music] Such Memories - ...  
Song: Iris -    • [Background Music] Iris - Cinematic &...  
Song: Andy's Song -    • [Royalty Free Music] Andy's Song - Mi...  
Song: Gravity -    • [Background Music] Gravity - Ambient ...  
Song: Beth (Guitar version) -    • [No Copyright Music] Beth - Relaxing ...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Track: Think -    • [No Copyright Music] Think - Abstract...  
Song: Atlas -    • [No Copyright Music] Atlas - HQ Docum...  
Song: Hereafter -    • [No Copyright Music] Hereafter - Ambi...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Track: Echoes -    • [No Copyright Music] Echoes - Ambient...  
Song: Beth (Piano version) -    • [No Copyright Music] Beth - Relaxing ...  
Song: The Blue -    • [No Copyright Music] The Blue - Cinem...  
Song: Every Little Thing -    • [No Copyright Music] Every Little Thi...  
Song: Inspirational Piano -    • [No Copyright Music] Inspirational Pi...  
Song: Summer -    • [No Copyright Music] Summer - Happy F...  
Track: Ethereal Piano -    • [No Copyright Music] Ethereal Piano |...  
Song: I Just Want Quiet -    • [No Copyright Music] I Just Want Quie...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Track: Endless Rain -    • [No Copyright Music] Endless Rain - A...  
Track: Inner Light -    • [No Copyright Music] Inner Light - Am...  
Track: Santa's Piano -    • [No Copyright Music] Santa's Piano - ...  
Track: Look Up -    • [No Copyright Music] Look Up - Relaxi...  
Song: Pulse -    • [No Copyright Music] Pulse - Emotiona...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Song: Comeback -    • [Background Music] Comeback - Inspira...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Song: Bamboo -    • [Royalty Free Music] Bamboo - Upbeat ...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Song: Summer's Ballad -    • [Background Music] Summer's Ballad - ...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0
Song: Shine -    • [Background Music] Shine - Intimate &...   | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0