Mastering Structured Flexibility during your weight loss journey
This episode is rich in knowledge and strategies for bodybuilding nutrition, contest preparation, overall weight loss tips and more with my amazing guest Joe Klemczewski aka the diet doctor!!
Joe Klemczewski, PhD has earned degrees in physical therapy, health, nutrition, literary journalism, and health education. He is currently pursuing a masters in social psychology at Harvard. Klemczewski began licensing The Diet Doc business model in 2007 and has helped develop almost 150 Diet Doc Weight-Loss Centers around the world. His articles regularly appeared in Iron Man, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness, Exercise for Men, and Best Body; many have been translated for German, Italian, and Asian publications. He has written for numerous websites, including eDiets and Huffington Post, has contributed chapters to fitness industry books, and has edited physiology textbooks for a major publisher.
Joe is a retired WNBF professional drug-free bodybuilder, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), and is certified through the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN). Known as the “Godfather of Flexible Dieting,” it was Joe’s revolution in the science of contest prep that led to the coaching industry that exists today.
Hope you enjoy this episode ‼️
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00:00 - Intro
01:01 - Joe shares his journey and explains why he chose his current path
05:32 - Joe discusses the types of clients he has worked with in the past and now. Lifestyle clients/physique competitors.
07:37 - Strategies for managing extreme night cravings.
09:48 - How to address high hunger levels that disrupt sleep.
12:37 - The importance of being realistic about your physiology and psychology to improve adherence.
21:59 - The value of experimenting to find the best strategies for adherence.
27:01 - Why flexibility with macronutrients on a day can sometimes be important.
28:38 - When Joe uses meal plans instead of macro tracking.
32:00 - Managing meals during peak week and show day, including fiber intake considerations.
38:04 - The importance of managing food volume through wise food choices during peak week.
40:19 - How Joe addresses plateaus with clients.
44:41 - Joe's approach to monitoring body composition changes.
46:56 - How physical activity affects energy expenditure and its variability.
52:01 - Using biofeedback as data for decision-making
57:01 - Defining biofeedback and how to objectify it for better application.
1:05:03 - Should you eliminate all fiber, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and sugar-free gum during peak week? (True or False)
1:07:17 - The timing of your last meal before stepping on stage: make or break your appearance? (True or False)
1:09:03 - Is sodium manipulation necessary for peak week conditioning? (True or False)
1:10:20 - Is post-show weight rebound inevitable? (True or False)
1:11:19 - Do most competitors benefit from a mock peak week? (True or False)
1:12:56 - Are vacuums necessary for core control? (True or False)
1:16:49 - Water loading vs. gradual hydration adjustments for peak week (This or That)
1:18:28 - Big refeed day vs. two small refeeds during the week (This or That)
1:19:36 - HIIT vs. steady-state cardio during final prep weeks (This or That)
1:22:09 - Reverse diet vs. recovery diet (This or That)
1:25:05 - Joe’s thoughts on including intuitive eating during the recovery phase.
1:30:47 - Diuretics for peak week: overrated or underrated?
1:31:43 - Fat burners during prep: overrated or underrated?
1:32:20 - Mock peak week: overrated or underrated?
1:32:43 - Posing practice: overrated or underrated?
1:33:07 - Post-show recovery strategies for mental and physical health: overrated or underrated?
1:34:01 - Including HIIT cardio at the end of prep: overrated or underrated?
1:34:28 - Rice vs. potatoes as a carb source: overrated or underrated?
1:35:06 - Avoiding all processed foods during contest prep: overrated or underrated?
1:35:22 - Psychological preparation and mindset coaching during prep: overrated or underrated?
1:35:57 - Outro
#bodybuilding #flexibledieting #weightlossdiet
#strengthtraining #nutritiontips #healthyhabits