Marine Protected Areas Success Stories: Saving Hector's Dolphins!

Опубликовано: 08 Январь 2025
на канале: Pacific Wild

🐬 Hector’s dolphins are the smallest dolphin species in the world and are found exclusively in coastal waters around New Zealand. This critically endangered species is threatened largely due to human activities. Since the implementation of the Banks Peninsula marine mammals sanctuary, the survival rate of Hector’s dolphins has increased by 5.4% as they are protected from being caught as bycatch in set nets within the sanctuary. A 2012 study of the Banks Peninsula marine mammal sanctuary provides the first empirical evidence that MPAs are effective in protecting threatened marine mammals.

🤝 Pacific Wild is supporting the protection of 30% of Canadian oceans by 2030 thanks to the timely implementation of a network of MPAs in the Great Bear Sea.

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