“People say, well, you're 81. Why aren't you retiring? … As I told my wife, when she asked me, I said, well, you know, better to go down fighting.” - Wayne McCrory, registered professional biologist.
To protect Western toads we must protect grizzly bears, and to protect grizzly bears we must safeguard wildlife corridors - every action taken to protect one species or habitat helps to maintain the intricate web of life. Pacific Wild interviewed Wayne McCrory, on the importance of umbrella species in maintaining ecosystem health and the challenges he faces in protecting biodiversity within his community.
Governments worldwide, including Canada, have pledged to conserve 30% of lands and waters by 2030 to safeguard biodiversity. However, critics worry that these plans are often redirected by extractive industries, thereby neglecting the needs of biodiversity. From grizzlies, to toads, to caribou, safeguarding biodiversity depends on protecting large, intact and interconnected habitat areas.
Wayne McCrory is on the Board of Directors for Valhalla Wilderness Society and works tirelessly for conservation. https://www.vws.org/
Learn more about Pacific Wild’s campaigns to protect wildlife and their habitats at https://pacificwild.org/ .
Interview filmed by Carlo Alcos, wildlife footage courtesy of Ian McAllister in addition to Envato Elements stock.
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