New Wolf Cull Numbers Released

Опубликовано: 08 Январь 2025
на канале: Pacific Wild

The latest update from the provincial predator control program in British Columbia has just been released, and the numbers are alarming. Between last December and March of this year, the B.C. government has reported killing an additional 248 wolves to ostensibly protect endangered caribou. This brings the total to a staggering 2,192 wolves killed since the inception of the taxpayer-funded cull nine years ago.

In addition to the government-funded cull, wolves are also legally hunted by recreational hunters and trappers. Shockingly, many hunting regions have no bag limits or reporting requirements for wolf kills so no reliable estimates exist. According to voluntary reporting an additional 5,892 wolves have been hunted between 2015 and 2022.

At least 8,084 wolves have been killed by hunters and government contractors combined.

8,500 wolves live in B.C. according to the government’s most recent estimates published in 2014 (the year before culling began).

Pacific Wild is urgently calling on the provincial government to halt this indiscriminate war on wolves. Killing wolves, a native predator and keystone species, will not help the caribou recover long term, and is used as a scapegoat.

We call on the government to protect all caribou old growth habitat and immediately invest in large-scale restoration of disturbed areas. Jonah Keim’s research has shown that restoring habitat by blocking logging roads and other access points with debris can immediately reduce predator-prey encounters by 85%. Non-lethal recovery actions that prevent wolves from hunting caribou exist.

Sign our letter and demand an end to the wolf cull today,