INTERVIEW: Rev. Niel Bech (Confessional Presbyterian) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFC)

Опубликовано: 10 Февраль 2023
на канале: Rev. Don Veitch, BA, MA, MAR, MDiv, PhD (Cand.)

Niel and I zero in on the 1990s with ancillary comments on the Reformulation Episcopal Church, Mr. Riches' legacy, and Mr. Riches' utterly hubristic contempt for decades and a 120-year history. We did a bilge-blow and went up to the bridge for a clear view for the future. We had some technical difficulties with possibly a wifi-issue. We soldiered through it.

For those unfamiliar with Mr. Riches' hubristic and negative view of four generations of Reformed Episcopalian, see:    • REC 2014: Presiding Bishop Riches' Re...   Mr. Riches speaks of the REC's stultification, lethality, negative outcomes, beatings of a dead horse, phantom enemies, moribund polemics on life support, a mistaken sense of respect for forbears, protectionism, suspiciousness, a negative mentality, parochialism, provincialism, sectarianism, disastrousness, and acting like the REC was the only one who got it right. His words.

And he seemed so nice and kind!