Woman Takes Blind Girl's Guide Dog Away! | r/EntitledParents Reddit Stories

Опубликовано: 17 Январь 2025
на канале: Karma Crow

r/EntitledParents - In today's episode, a Karen encounters a blind girl with a seeing-eye dog at a train station. Karen decides her kid deserves to pet the dog, so she forcefully pulls the harness from the blind girl's hands and picks up the dog, leaving the blind girl with no means of getting around. After her friend arrives to help sort out the situation, Karen goes on a tirade about how the girl's "not really blind and doesn't need the dog". Police eventually arrive on scene. Here's how that situation played out. Stay tuned for more r/EntitledParents and Karen stories!

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Story 1 by u/YoinkDoinkMo
Story 2 by u/Morhaleb
Story 3 by u/IamasimpforObi-Wan
Story 4 by u/throwingstars03r5
Story 5 by u/TeamInstinctDae

-This video contains significant original commentary and complies with YouTube channel monetization policies. Thanks YouTube!

Context: On this channel, our goal is to bring you content about people's life experiences while sharing our thoughts and opinions through transformative, original and substantial commentary. We aim to provide unique content not covered by other creators; trying to be as transformative as possible by providing reactions, thoughts, opinions, criticisms, and humor about the situations discussed. In order to create a fresh experience in every video, we hope to make each video varied and different from one another by choosing various subjects to present and react to. All stories and clips are carefully curated by me. I am a REAL human recording these voiceovers and edit every video by hand in hopes to bring a unique and valuable experience for the viewers.

These are narrations and reactions of posts found on Reddit. If you are the original poster of any stories or posts featured on this channel and would not like them to be used, please contact me for removal at [email protected]

#karenstories #redditstories